Need to read this article before buying a used oscilloscope
In the field of electronic repair, besides basic equipment such as a multimeter, an oscilloscope is an important choice if you want to improve your skills and handle complex technical errors. However, the price of quality products is often quite high, causing many people to consider buying used machines to save money. However, this is a cost-effective option, but also has many potential risks during use.
Is the job of choosing an old wave machine really suitable for your needs? In this article, EMIN will help you learn and evaluate the aspects to consider when choosing between old and new machines, helping you make a more informed decision.
What are the reasons to buy a used oscilloscope?
Many electrical engineers choose to buy used oscilloscopes for many different reasons. Many customers have contacted EMIN to search for used oscilloscopes, and below are the most common reasons:
1. Affordable price
This is probably the leading factor that concerns many people. "Old stuff is cheaper than new stuff" – this is true, but not always accurate. .
2. Use products from big brands
Many technicians choose used machines because the prices of new products from reputable brands are often very high. For example, a new Tektronix 50MHz oscilloscope can cost nearly 10 million VND, a figure that is not easy to afford. Meanwhile, a used machine costs only about 6-7 million VND, making it a much more reasonable choice..
3. Optimize costs
Saving is something everyone strives for, especially in the field of electronics. Some used but faultless devices can operate stably for a long time. However, you still need to be careful because not all items are as durable.
4. Higher specifications
For the same cost, used devices often have better specifications than cheap new devices. This is also an important reason why you consider investing in used products.
So what are the reasons not to buy a used oscilloscope?

After learning the reasons why you choose a used oscilloscope, surely many people will want to know what risks they may encounter when buying used equipment. These are real problems that EMIN has encountered during the customer support process, which we hope will help you consider more carefully before deciding to invest:
Below are common problems you may encounter when choosing to buy a used oscilloscope. These are all practical experiences from cases that EMIN has handled, hopefully helping you consider carefully before deciding:
1. Easy to make minor errors
Small errors during use can be annoying, especially if you are not familiar with repairs. Many customers complain about not being able to find replacement parts when the machine has problems.
2. Broken screen
In older models, especially analog models, having a faulty screen is not uncommon. This is one of the problems that EMIN regularly receives from customers.
3. Internal circuit error
Old oscilloscopes may have broken circuits due to previous use. These devices often operate unstable, and the risk of circuit failure after a period of use is very high, while it will be difficult for you to receive the necessary support..
4. Lack of replacement parts
To repair an old oscilloscope, finding replacement parts is a prerequisite. Many components are only provided by the manufacturer, and the import cost is sometimes higher than the value of the machine.
5. Lack of warranty
Old machines often do not have a warranty, or if they do, the warranty period is very short, only about 1–3 months, not enough to ensure peace of mind when using..
6. Price is not necessarily cheap
There are many cases where used machines are sold at prices close to new models. When the difference is only a few hundred thousand to 1–2 million VND, choosing to buy a new machine will bring more value in the long run.
7. High repair costs
Not many places accept old oscilloscope repairs, and if they do, the repair cost is often quite expensive. This may cost you an unexpected amount of money.